High Protein Tomato Crackers

High protein tomato crackers that don't taste terrible. This is my first go at it, so the recipe isn't perfect, but they taste pretty damn good. Deal Items: -Flour -Protein Powder -Vegetable Oil -Garlic Powder -Italian Seasoning -Tomato sauce Non-Deal Items: -Salt -Butter (although I have gotten this in the past)

It makes 2 cookie sheets worth, or potentially 3 if you want super thin crackers. Photo above is most of one cookie sheet. I love crackers and will happily eat an entire pack of saltines in one sitting, and I felt about 1/4 to 1/3 a sheet was a good snack/mini-meal for me. I had a handful with dinner in place of my usual carb (pasta, rice, etc) which I felt was a good amount.

Recipe: Mix all the dry stuff together. Mix in the vegetable oil and tomato sauce. Roll it out thin. Throw it on a baking sheet with parchment paper (important, or you'll likely ruin your pan). Poke holes with a fork and then slice to size. Bake at 450 for 9 min or so. Watch after the 7 min mark, it'll burn fast. Take it out and brush with melted butter. Notes / Changes for next time: (I usually make notes like this for myself, but throwing them here in case someone else wants to give it a go) -They're a bit on the dry side. Probably due to the protein powder. Swapping some of the tomato sauce for milk may help. Adding cheese would be great. -Not the best for eating on their own, probably due to the tomato sauce. Would make excellent dippers though. -Dough is sticky as hell from the protein powder. Let it sit before rolling, and don't be tempted to add water. Flour surfaces VERY WELL. -Bottom is crispier than top. Consider baking on cooling rack instead. -They're a tad dense. Consider adding baking powder or maybe yeast. -More salt. Way more salt. I estimated in the ingredient list, but I just did a pinch or so on top. Store versions have 2-3x the sodium. -More seasonings. WAY MORE. Or use fresh. Fresh would be good. -Use butter instead of vegetable oil. Consider doubling it. -Maybe butter & salt before oven instead of after. It made them a little soft. -Consider leaving out the tomato sauce, or reduce it and add more. There is almost no tomato flavor, but I feel like it detracts from the cracker flavor. Sun dried tomatoes + water would almost certainly be a better choice, but I'm using what I have on hand. -Add some imitation butter in the dough (or add way more actual butter). Or perhaps brush with butter + milk before baking. -Could probably go 1:1 on flour and protein powder. 2:1 didn't significantly affect the flavor (I love unflavored Isopure).